Hemp.com Inc.- Конопляний будинок

Hemp.com is Forging Hemp as the Future of Sustainability! Learn more about industrial коноплі, CBD, how CBD is extracted, how to grow hemp and more at our Конопляний університет!

Екологічність коноплі


Sustainability is more than just a word. Get Hemp Active and help us forge HEMP as the future of sustainability What is Sustainability? Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and

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Конопляна пластмаса

Конопляні пляшки

Конопляна пляшка- Конопляна біопластика. Конопляна пляшка – це майбутнє сталого розвитку. Деякі з найперших пластмас виготовлялися з целюлозних волокон, отриманих з органіки, ненафтові джерела. Пластикові пляшки складають велику кількість відходів на наших звалищах. Біорозкладаний конопляний пластик, такий як пляшки з коноплі, може допомогти нам зменшити цей тягар.

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Hemp composites

Hemp Plastic-The future of Sustainability

Hemp Plastic A raw material returns from the past Hemp Plastic Is Here Hemp is the plant that has the potential to help us reinvent the future of plastic and other materials. It is a clean, ecological, sustainable and renewable alternative. And it can replace the use of polluting materials in the production of goods

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Hemp declaration of independence

The Declaration of Hemp Independence

The Declaration of Hemp Independence The unanimous Declaration of the People of the United States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the political bands which have bound Them from full use of the planet’s most useful plant, and to assume among the powers of

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hemp CBD

Response to Crisis as Simple as CBD

Response to Crisis as Simple as CBD: Preventative Measures Against Stress, Anxiety, and a Global Pandemic To say 2020 is tumultuous would be an understatement. As the world experiences a global viral pandemic, and our country faces increasing tension with social justice movements, stress and anxiety can easily arise as our daily lives are affected

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Industrial Hemp Genetics Project

Industrial Hemp Genetics The Hemp Seed and Protecting Your Hemp Intellectual Property Industrial hemp’s new status as a product regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture has made intellectual property protection available for plant breeders developing hemp genetics. This groundbreaking move for the growing hemp industry offers protection for seed-propagated hemp genetics through the U.S.

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Full Spectrum CBD vs CBD Isolate

Hemp derived CBD oil has many health benifits but not all CBD is created equal. We look to help you understand the main two variations, full spectrum CBD and CBD isolate, and what makes them different. What Is Full-Spectrum CBD? Full-spectrum CBD is a product that is made out of an entire range of cannabinoids.

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