Hemp.com Inc.- الصفحة الرئيسية القنب

حصاد مانيتوبا: بروتين القنب العضوي بالفانيليا, 16 أوقية


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حصاد مانيتوبا: بروتين القنب العضوي بالفانيليا, 16 أوقية

You are unique. You have specific tastes and nutrition needs to keep you at your best. That’s why we offer a variety of plant-based proteins to choose from, and we’re sure we have one that will work for you! Why do we think our three hemp protein powder lines are so awesome?
HempPro 70 – It’s water soluble and has a smooth texture! It’s also our higher protein option (the Original flavour has 20 grams of protein per 30 gram serving). We love this protein in a post run smoothie or yoga shake (نعم, you can literally shake it with your favourite beverage and you’re good to go). Comes in three delicious flavours; شوكولاتة, Vanilla and Original.

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