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매니토바 수확: Hemp Hearts Raw Shelled Hemp Seed 유기농 인증, 5 lb


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매니토바 수확: Hemp Hearts Raw Shelled Hemp Seed 유기농 인증, 5 lb

SKU KHFM00716597 범주

At the ‘heartof all our hemp foods is the Hemp Heart (aka raw shelled hemp seed).

Great tastingHemp Hearts have a slightly nutty taste, similar to a sunflower seed or pine nut.
Easy to useSimply sprinkle Hemp Hearts on salad, 시리얼 & 요거트, add to smoothies and recipes, or eat them straight from the package!
Nutritiousper 30 gram serving, Hemp Hearts contain 10 grams of plant-based protein and 10 grams of Omegas.
Hemp Hearts have more protein and omegas and less carbs than the same serving of chia or flax.




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