Hemp.com Inc.- 대마 홈

누티바: 유기농 슈퍼푸드 대마 단백질 하이파이버, 16 온스


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누티바: 유기농 슈퍼푸드 대마 단백질 하이파이버, 16 온스

SKU KHFM00697730 범주

Hemp contains high-quality plant protein with branched-chain amino acids that are vital for good health. It also has all nine essential amino acids, with the bonus of good-for-you essential fatty acids (2g per serving). Our hemp protein powders contain 66% edestin (a bioactive globulin protein that’s easy to digest) — more than any other plant!
With 37% 단백질, 40% 섬유 (90% insoluble, 10% soluble), 마그네슘, iron and zinc, and beneficial fats, our Hemp Protein Hi-Fiber is one of nature’s perfect superfoods. One serving provides 11 grams of raw organic protein and 12 grams of fiber (48% DV).




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