Hemp.com Inc.- Конопляний будинок

Конопля: The Natural Cure

by Jessica Napoli

There have been various reported uses for the hemp plant throughout history. From Fabric and rope to concrete and modern day injection-molded plastics humans have utilized the entire plant for our needs, but one of the most over looked comes from its seed. The Seed, or “Nut” has grown in popularity not only as a nutritional food but for medicinal purposes. China in particular has had an extremely close relationship with the hemp seeds medicinal values and ancient Chinese write dating back to well over 5000 years ago confirm that the Hemp plant was cultivated specifically for its Seeds. Whatever form it is used in (масло, powder, infusion, paste, or whole), it was a necessary ingredient in many formulas.

Medical Uses:

According to medicinal text, the Chinese believe that hemp seeds have the following medicinal properties which are used as a (n):

  • Childbirth: Childbirth, hemp seed is believed to speed up the labor process when it is complicated or overdue. It is also used for postpartum recovery, blood deficiency, and for feverish episodes as well as used to increase the flow of milk in post partum mothers.
  • Anathematic: it helps destroy and repel parasites, including ringworm and pin worm.
  • Antiseptic: It prevents bacterial growth, inhibits pathogens and counters sepsis.
  • Diuretic: It increases blood flow through the kidney and bladder, thus increasing urination.
  • Treatment for:
    • Dysentery, but not diarrhea because it loosens and relaxes muscles, allowing or stimulating evacuation of the bowels.
    • Constipation, mostly in the elderly. In China, today, hemp seed oil is the most commonly prescribed remedy for constipation.
    • Obstinate vomiting
    • Edema and waste accumulation in the Lymph

It is also used as a natural herbal supplement to promote overall health and well being.

It is important to keep in mind that the seed from hemp plants does not contain any THC (Tetrahydrocannabino) the active drug in Marijuana. Though there has been and continues to be studies on the medicinal properties of Marijuana – the hemp seed is often overlooked. But if you take a look at the nutritional benefits in the hemp seed it is easy to see why it could very well be very, very good for you.

The Good Fat

Of the many foods today, hemp seeds have the most perfect ratio of the essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids( unsaturated fatty acids.) In published studies, omega-3 was found useful in treating these conditions:

  • Abnormal brain and eye development
  • Abnormal development in infants and children
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Asthma
  • ADHD
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Birth complications
  • Breast cancer
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Colon Cancer
  • Eczema
  • Emphysema
  • Excessive thirst

The list goes on and on…

So, increasing Fatty Acid consumption can help treat and even prevent these conditions. Two recent studies, confirmed that consumption of omega-3 helped reduce depression in patients where antidepressants had previously failed.

One study showed that it is important to take vitamin E with omega-3 in order to prevent oxidization. Though most of these studies used omega-3 from fish or flaxseed oil, it is the opinion of most that using hemp oil is healthier and more natural because there are no harmful chemicals found in hemp as there are in fish.

Omega-6 fatty acid deficiency’s can result in disorders such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Behavior disturbances
  • Infections
  • Miscarriages
  • Reduced sperm motility and impotence in men
  • Slow growth
  • Slow wound healing
  • Skin diseases

Due to the relation between hemp seed and the essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, it is agreed in eastern medicine as well as modern medicine that hemp seed and all of its derivatives are a natural way to live a healthy life. It is also agreed that hemp seed oil can be a natural cure or a natural preventative to many of the diseases or illnesses that plague many societies today.


Nutritional, Industrial Uses of Hemp Seeds
N. C. Shah (2005)

Насіння коноплі: The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source in the World
Lynn Osburn (1992)

Chinese Medical Tool: Huo Ma Ren
Brian A. Bray CMD, D.Ac, Dipl. & C.H (NCCAOM) (2002)

Hemp Seeds as a Nutritional Source
J. C. Callaway

Author Jessica Napoli can be reached by email at azaria_nevaeh05@yahoo.com

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