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马尼托巴收穫: 有機大麻蛋白黑巧克力, 16 盎司


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马尼托巴收穫: 有機大麻蛋白黑巧克力, 16 盎司

斯庫 KHFM00632877 類別

You are unique. You have specific tastes and nutrition needs to keep you at your best. That’s why we offer a variety of plant-based proteins to choose from, and we’re sure we have one that will work for you! Why do we think our three hemp protein powder lines are so awesome? We could probably write a book about all the reasons, but here’s just a quick few things we love

HempPro 70 – It’s water soluble and has a smooth texture! It’s also our higher protein option (the Original flavour has 20 grams of protein per 30 克份量). We love this protein in a post run smoothie or yoga shake (係., you can literally shake it with your favourite beverage and you’re good to go). Comes in three delicious flavours; 巧克力, Vanilla and Original.
HempPro 50 – Protein AND fibre! What? 係.! You read that correctly. There’s 15 grams of protein and 7 grams of fibre per 30 gram serving in this raw, whole food option.
HempPro FibreJust what the package says, fibre! There’s 13 grams of fibre per 30 gram serving in our Original HempPro Fibre flavour. That’s over half your recommended daily intake of fibre! Great in a morning smoothie but also equally as good in baking and desserts. Head on over to our recipe section to see what we’re talking about (warning: your mouth may water just a little bit at the delicious ideas you’ll come across). Just like HempPro 70, you can choose from three options, 巧克力, Vanilla and Original.





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