Hemp.com公司- 大麻之家

努蒂瓦: 有機超級食品大麻蛋白香草奶昔, 16 盎司


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努蒂瓦: 有機超級食品大麻蛋白香草奶昔, 16 盎司

斯庫 KHFM00690925 類別 ,

Our delicious shakes mixes are available in CHOCOLATE & VANILLA! Each serving is full of organic raw protein, phytonutrients and fiber, and contains no trans fats, dairy or lactose. Hemp is a high-quality plant protein with branched-chain amino acids that are vital for good health. It contains 66% edestin, a bioactive protein found in no other plantand is super easy to digest! Our hemp protein powders contain 66% edestin (a bioactive globulin protein that’s easy to digest) — more than any other plant!
A single serving of this organic superfood has 10 grams of raw protein, 20% of the DV of fiber and the bonus of good-for-you essential fatty acids (2g per serving). Our hemp protein has the added distinction of being gently cold-processed, without the use of hexane, a harsh chemical solvent used to process non-organic soy protein powders. It’s also vegan and comes in a non-BPA container.





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