Hemp.com Inc.- 大麻之家

馬尼托巴收穫: 大麻心生去殼大麻種子有機認證, 5 磅


可用性: 有現貨

馬尼托巴收穫: 大麻心生去殼大麻種子有機認證, 5 磅

SKU KHLV00109927 類別

Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts Natural Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds have 10 grams of omega 3 & 6 per serving. It has a nutty flavor and is the most versatile product Manitoba Harvest carries. 麻心, the very best and most nutritious part of the hemp seed, the heart. By shelling the hemp seed, you get only the center, with its raw nutrition, rich nutty flavor and tender crunch. So easy to use, eat them straight out of the package or sprinkle on anythingsalad, cereal or yogurt. The only limit is your imagination!





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