Hemp.com Inc.- 大麻之家

馬尼托巴收穫: 有機大麻蛋白黑巧克力, 0.9 盎司


可用性: 有現貨

馬尼托巴收穫: 有機大麻蛋白黑巧克力, 0.9 盎司

SKU KHFM00649285 類別

KHFM00649293! KHFM00649293, KHFM00649293, KHFM00649293, KHFM00649293.
Shelling the hemp seed produces the most nutritious and tender part of the seed, the heart. Hemp Hearts taste great, are easy to use, and nutritious too! There’s no need to grind or cook Hemp Hearts, they’re ready to eat straight from the bag and are simple to incorporate into your diet. Try sprinkling them on salads, KHFM00649293, or yogurt or blend them into smoothies. The only limit is your imagination.





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