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Hemp.com is Forging Hemp as the Future of Sustainability! Learn more about industrial hemp, CBD, how CBD is extracted, how to grow hemp and more at our Hemp University!

Legal Hemp Begins In Colorado

KRISTEN WYATT, AP – Hemp registration opened for farmers Saturday in Colorado, the first state to start regulating industrial hemp since the federal government allowed limited hemp regulation. A handful of Colorado farmers grew industrial hemp last year without interference from law enforcement or state agriculture officials. But the opening Saturday of Colorado’s industrial-hemp registry is the first opportunity for

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Dear President Obama

Dear President Obama, In January I received an email from you after your State of the Union address, as did millions of Americans. Reading this, I was struck by five of your statements which I believe bear repeating: “It is a future that is ours to decide, ours to define, and ours to win. “We

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hemp house ashville north carolina video on using hempcrete

Hemp House-Asheville, NC revisited-Video explaining hempcrete’s use This video from 2009 is an interesting reminder of the simplicity and yet the brilliance of the hempcrete technology.  It is also great for learning about the construction techniques that were used when building the hemp house.  Remember the video is about building a house out of hemp. The sustainability will come

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Hemp Plastic-hemp plastic goes mainstream

Hemp PlasticsHemp is a non-drug variety of cannabis that is grown legally around the world. Although China has been the largest hemp producer over the years, other countries such as Australia and Canada are catching up. Plastic is broadly defined as “a substance that can be molded or shaped”. In general, ‘plastic’ refers to petro-chemical

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How to Build a Hemp House

HHow to build a Hemp House A review of the ebook – How to Build a House Using Hemp. My laundry list of stuff I need to do this weekend.Pick up dry cleaning.Get milk and eggs.Build a house. Yeah that’s right it can be done, you could be building the house of your dreams with

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What Is Hemp Good For?

A controversial crop that’s been alternately demonized and defended for at least 80 years, hemp has run the proverbial gauntlet in the US due to political factions, special interests, and downright suspicion. Nevertheless, every bit of this ancient plant is useful and valuable, and not just for rope, but for textiles, auto parts, cosmetics, dynamite,

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Hemp – What is the Future of Industrial Hemp

Industrial hemp is one of the longest and strongest natural fibers in the plant kingdom. It is also one of the most versatile plants, with approximately 25,000 uses, ranging from paper to textiles to cosmetics, and is a good rotation crop that can be grown with a minimum of pesticides. Once deemed an indispensable commodity

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