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Video-hemp and Hempcrete as a building material

Video-Hempcrete and hemp building Materials

How Hempcrete is made Hempcrete is made using the wood-like core of the industrial hemp, called the hurd, mixed with a lime-based binding material. This core is high in silica content making it able to bind very well with lime, a rare quality among plant-based material. This results in a lightweight cementitious material weighing 1/8th

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Hemp Field

Benefits Of Using Hemp In The Construction And Textile Industries

Ever since the industrial hemp legalization process began to gain global momentum, much has been said about its medicinal and therapeutic potential.  Hemp is a subspecies of the cannabis plant; it lacks most of marijuana’s psychoactive effects, but can be used as raw material for several industries -such as textile and construction. In fact, industrial

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Hemp Composites

Composite – Hemp Composite Material

Composite Building Material The Hemp Composite Answer Hemp Composites and a Sustainable Future A composite material (also called a composition material or shortened to composite, which is the common name) is a material made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties that, when combined, produce a material with characteristics

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Hemp Sustainability


Sustainability is more than just a word. Get Hemp Active and help us forge HEMP as the future of sustainability What is Sustainability? Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and

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Hemp Plastics

Hemp Bottles

The Hemp Bottle- Hemp Bioplastics The hemp bottle is the future of sustainability.  Some of the earliest plastics were made from cellulose fibers obtained from organic, non-petroleum-based sources. Plastic bottles make up a large amount of our landfill waste.  A biodegradable hemp plastic solution such as hemp bottles could help us to reduce this burden.

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Hemp declaration of independence

The Declaration of Hemp Independence

The Declaration of Hemp Independence The unanimous Declaration of the People of the United States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the political bands which have bound Them from full use of the planet’s most useful plant, and to assume among the powers of

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hemp oil

Hemp Seed Oil – 5 Benefits of Hemp Seed oil

Hemp Seed Oil 5 Important Uses of Hemp Seed Oil Hemp seed oil, also known as hemp oil, is one of the most popular herbal remedies on the market today. Advocates of the substance say it’s able to improve acne, treat cancer, slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, reduce the chances of developing heart disease,

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Industrial Hemp Genetics Project

Industrial Hemp Genetics The Hemp Seed and Protecting Your Hemp Intellectual Property Industrial hemp’s new status as a product regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture has made intellectual property protection available for plant breeders developing hemp genetics. This groundbreaking move for the growing hemp industry offers protection for seed-propagated hemp genetics through the U.S.

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Trump Signs Farm Bill

Trump Signs Farm Bill, Now we will see the way it plays out. Today will be referred to as a great day or a disaster for WE THE PEOPLE. President Trump Signed the Farm Bill at 4pm EST. Many companies are very happy that this was signed, but what will it do for the average

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Hemp Phytoremediation

Overall, hemp plants are exceptional against heavy metals in soils, as shown by a study conducted in China. Eighteen cultivars of hemp were tested for tolerance and accumulation of cadmium (Cd) contaminated soils, screened for its potential bioenergy production in Cd-rich soils, and identified for its phytoremedial use. Results showed that all but three of the

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