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Hemp.com is Forging Hemp as the Future of Sustainability! Learn more about industrial hemp, CBD, how CBD is extracted, how to grow hemp and more at our Hemp University!

Hemp Sustainability

A Sustainable Revolution: Hemp Products and Alternatives in 2023

In the pursuit of a more sustainable future, innovative solutions are needed to reduce our reliance on traditional resources. Enter hemp—a versatile and eco-friendly crop that has captured the imagination of industries worldwide. In this story, we embark on a journey into the year 2023, exploring the diverse and exciting realm of sustainable hemp products

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green hemp farming

Cultivating Green Gold: Hemp Farming Regulations and Licenses in the USA

In the wake of hemp’s resurgence as a versatile and sustainable crop, the United States finds itself at the forefront of an agricultural revolution. The legalization of hemp cultivation has paved the way for a booming industry, providing economic opportunities for farmers and entrepreneurs alike. However, navigating the intricate web of hemp farming regulations and

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growing hemp at hemp.com

CBD oil Market Growth Continues in 2023

The Cannabidiol Oil (CBD Oil) market is expected to witness a significant surge in its market value and Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) in the forecast period 2022 to 2028. The market is poised to experience a remarkable growth trajectory, driven by the increasing demand for CBD oil in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics,

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Hempcrete Block

PROOF That This Amazing Hemp Product Can Help (Literally) Build the Future

Hempcrete’s Unique Promise and Properties.  Did you know that construction accounts for nearly 40 percent of global energy consumption? Forty percent! That’s massive. It also means construction offers an equally massive opportunity to make a difference in terms of sustainability.  A fascinating application of industrial hemp is its versatility as a building material. Known for

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Video-hemp and Hempcrete as a building material

Video-Hempcrete and hemp building Materials

How Hempcrete is made Hempcrete is made using the wood-like core of the industrial hemp, called the hurd, mixed with a lime-based binding material. This core is high in silica content making it able to bind very well with lime, a rare quality among plant-based material. This results in a lightweight cementitious material weighing 1/8th

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Hemp History-Magna Carta

Three MORE Amazing, Little Known Uses of Hemp

You thought we only had three amazing, little known uses of hemp!? Below are three more astonishing uses of industrial hemp: Soil conditioning Industrial hemp cleans soil. And we mean really cleans soil. Known as phytoremediation, the industrial hemp plant possesses the ability to draw out harmful contaminants from soils. The “contaminated” hemp plants can

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Hemp Ship Building

THREE Amazing, Little Known Uses of Hemp

Industrial hemp is amazing. It is the plant that gives and keeps on giving. Check out these three amazing, but little known uses of industrial hemp. Art. Hemp helped humanity’s artistic drive. Hemp was widely used in canvases for painting. In fact, the word “canvas” can be traced to the Anglo-French word “canevaz” and ultimately

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Hemp Field

Benefits Of Using Hemp In The Construction And Textile Industries

Ever since the industrial hemp legalization process began to gain global momentum, much has been said about its medicinal and therapeutic potential.  Hemp is a subspecies of the cannabis plant; it lacks most of marijuana’s psychoactive effects, but can be used as raw material for several industries -such as textile and construction. In fact, industrial

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Overweight Mike Tyson

Iron Mike Tyson’s Secret Sauce

The sports world was on tilt this last week as Mike Tyson “boxed” Roy Jones Jr. in a four round exhibition match. Many loved it, some hated it. Millions watched.Regardless of your view on the match, one thing is clear: Mike Tyson looked to be in phenomenal shape at age 54 weighing in at a

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Organic CBD Oil from Hemp

Organic CBD

With so many new products available in today’s rapidly-growing CBD and hemp market, it’s not surprising that many consumers are finding product labels confusing. Arguably, one of the greatest sources of confusion is the simple word “organic,” especially as it relates to CBD oil. Is “organic” simply a marketing buzzword, or does it represent an

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