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Hemp.com is Forging Hemp as the Future of Sustainability! Learn more about industrial hemp, CBD, how CBD is extracted, how to grow hemp and more at our Hemp University!

Hemp composites

Hemp Plastic-The future of Sustainability

Hemp Plastic A raw material returns from the past Hemp Plastic Is Here Hemp is the plant that has the potential to help us reinvent the future of plastic and other materials. It is a clean, ecological, sustainable and renewable alternative. And it can replace the use of polluting materials in the production of goods

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Hemp declaration of independence

The Declaration of Hemp Independence

The Declaration of Hemp Independence The unanimous Declaration of the People of the United States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the political bands which have bound Them from full use of the planet’s most useful plant, and to assume among the powers of

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hemp CBD

Response to Crisis as Simple as CBD

Response to Crisis as Simple as CBD: Preventative Measures Against Stress, Anxiety, and a Global Pandemic To say 2020 is tumultuous would be an understatement. As the world experiences a global viral pandemic, and our country faces increasing tension with social justice movements, stress and anxiety can easily arise as our daily lives are affected

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hemp oil

Hemp Seed Oil – 5 Benefits of Hemp Seed oil

Hemp Seed Oil 5 Important Uses of Hemp Seed Oil Hemp seed oil, also known as hemp oil, is one of the most popular herbal remedies on the market today. Advocates of the substance say it’s able to improve acne, treat cancer, slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, reduce the chances of developing heart disease,

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Industrial Hemp Genetics Project

Industrial Hemp Genetics The Hemp Seed and Protecting Your Hemp Intellectual Property Industrial hemp’s new status as a product regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture has made intellectual property protection available for plant breeders developing hemp genetics. This groundbreaking move for the growing hemp industry offers protection for seed-propagated hemp genetics through the U.S.

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Full Spectrum CBD vs CBD Isolate

Hemp derived CBD oil has many health benifits but not all CBD is created equal. We look to help you understand the main two variations, full spectrum CBD and CBD isolate, and what makes them different. What Is Full-Spectrum CBD? Full-spectrum CBD is a product that is made out of an entire range of cannabinoids.

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Charlotte Figi - Face of CBD

Early CBD patient Charlotte Figi, 13, dies of cardiac arrest

DENVER, April 8 (UPI) — Charlotte Figi, 13, the Colorado child whose seizure relief inspired Charlotte’s Web medical marijuana and CBD, died in Colorado Springs of cardiac arrest, her family said. Charlotte had been hospitalized after flu-like symptoms struck the family, her stepfather, Greg Iafeliece, said. The child then was released to go home. On

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FDA is Committed to Sound, Science-based Policy on CBD

FDA is Committed to Sound, Science-based Policy on CBD This is not the view of Hemp.com, it is a statement by the government. Remember that WE can change things if we demand it. Hemp.com, Inc. team By: Amy Abernethy, M.D., Ph.D., Principal Deputy Commissioner, and Lowell Schiller, J.D., Principal Associate Commissioner for Policy Science forms

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Why Is Full-Spectrum CBD Better Than Hemp CBD or CBD Isolate?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a popular treatment for ailments like chronic pain, Parkinson’s disease, anxiety, Crohn’s disease and gastrointestinal issues. If you have decided to buy CBD online, you have probably noticed that there are options like full-spectrum CBD and isolates available for sale. These labels are designed to show you what is actually in the

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